Monday, April 8, 2013

90 Day Turbofire Results

Hey everyone! I am done with my 1st 90 day challenge of Turbofire! I am pleased with my results but I am still a work in progress! I lost 16 pounds and a total of 9 1/2 inches off my body. Not to mention I went down 3 pant sizes. I feel the best I have felt in a very long time! You might wonder what I ate. If you haven't ever heard of clean eating, you should do some research. It is a way that you can still eat the things you love  by making them healthier. Example: spaghetti- natural spaghetti sauce, ground turkey and whole wheat pasta! Voila! that was easy. Clean eating is not one of those fad diets that you literally starve yourself! That is not good for your body because it goes in to starvation mode. Clean eating is breakfast (shakeology), a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and an optional snack if you are still hungry. You need to eat every 2 1/2-3 hours. And make sure you drink plenty of water!!! That's the main thing! Shakeology has been my saving grace. I was without it for a few weeks and I stopped feeling amazing and stopped loosing inches as fast as I was. It is the healthiest meal replacement shake on the market right now. It is equal to 5 trips to the salad bar. Some people look and the price and say no but this is your health you're investing in! It breaks down to a little over $4 a meal. When is the last time you went to lunch and spent $4 or less?! I can't do that! If you want to know more about shakeology, clean eating or Turbofire, send me a message and we can chat! Or just friend me on facebook! Have a great week :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations girl!!! Keep up the great work :) Kristen
